
One of the great things about competing is that there is always something more you can do to improve your competitive skills. I would like to introduce a new form of training that I believe every player on this team can benefit from that relates to strengthening your ability to believe in yourself and focus under pressure. The end goal is to enjoy yourself more as you compete by feeling worthy of playing with more consistency and confidence. If we all work on this “Inner” aspect of our competitive skills I have faith that the “outer” part of our games will improve. Let me introduce Worthy to Win Mindset Development Training.

I have had personal experience with the training offered by Worthy to Win and have seen the clear benefits of the skills it helps players obtain. The skills go deeper than just helping your competitive mindset for tennis but also will help you in the bigger picture of gaining confidence to help you in your life. This training is explained in more detail in the link below. Please create an account and register now so you are ready for the first training. There will be two training groups (Group A and Group B). On Wednesday June 9, Group A will begin with a thirty-minute zoom call starting at 7:30pm MST time. Group B will begin a thirty-minute zoom training starting at 8pm MST time. I look forward to seeing you on the zoom training – please be on time!

Please click on the link below to register and pay, and create a username and password to access the training course. The zoom link is also attached in the registration link. Go Bruins!

Head Coach Art Quinn
