May 2017
Boys Summer Tennis Letter
Soon our team will embark on the 2017-2018 season and another quest for the state championship. The coaches and I look forward to another productive season. I hope you personally work hard this coming summer to realize your own potential as a tennis player and contribute to the outstanding tradition of Cherry Creek tennis. Our tennis courts will be undergoing a major resurfacing/renovation project beginning mid-May until completion before school starts, tbd. As a result we will not have access to CCHS courts, but we will be running doubles clinics for 6 weeks this summer, Monday-Thursday (June 19 to July 28) for all returning, and future players, at West MS. Also, during the 2 weeks before fall season begins, we will hold pre-season clinics at CCHS with the CCHS coaches, and a freshman mini-camp/orientation the 2nd week in August. Contact coach Pierce to register for either of these sessions, or cell: 303-519-7266.
On Tuesday, August 8th we will have an organizational players’ meeting at 1:00pm at the Cherry Creek courts. All players must attend this meeting to receive important information on this years team, coaches, and challenge process.
The clusters/challenge/practice time will be 3:45 – 6:15 pm beginning on Monday, August 14th. This schedule will continue until the teams are set, hopefully the first week of September. Top 40 from last year’s ladder and invited players will have after school cluster play at CCHS, West Middle School and Rosamond Park. IF YOU ARE RANKED HIGH ENOUGH TO BE IN CLUSTERS, OR ARE PLACED THERE, AND DO NOT WISH TO COMPETE FOR A VARSITY SPOT, PLEASE NOTIFY COACH QUINN. Each day every player below Clusters will have a minimum of one assigned challenge match to play as well, at a time and site agreed upon. School courts are used for Varsity 1, Varsity 2, and Varsity 3 practice, and varsity and non-varsity matches. Challenge matches must be played at another location.
The athletic online registration for 2017-2018 sports will be available in July on the Cherry Creek High School web site – click on the Athletics tab on the left. This will take you to our new Athletics website! Or you can go directly to: Online registration is available for all FALL sports. (Winter and Spring sports registration will be available later this fall.) From the new Athletics home page, click on Register, then choose your sport, then create an account. This system will re-populate all the students’ information for subsequent sports in the winter and spring, as well as sports in future years.
An athlete will not be allowed to practice with the team until these forms are (first) submitted electronically AND (next) the athletic fee is paid either online or in person, and physician’s form is turned in IN PERSON at the Athletics Office. Athletes will not be allowed to try out until all 3 parts are completed: online registration + payment + physician’s clearance. The Athletics Office will be open to accept doctor’s clearance forms and payments beginning July 25. If you do not have your registration completed before the first official day of challenges/practice (August 14th) you will not be on the 1st ladder or be able to participate in clusters. Please take care of this early to avoid missing 1st day of challenge matches/practice.
It is our expectation that you will play at least one challenge match per day starting August 14th, which will be assigned on the computer ladder and arranged by you and your opponent. A computer code for the beginning ladder will be provided to all players, on the website, before challenge season begins August 14th. These matches will improve your game and your ranking on the team, and they will help the coaches determine who will play in interscholastic matches. I will be assigning 2 matches daily for players assigned to the clusters starting on August 14th. The varsity teams will hopefully be determined by early September. Since we have no challenge matches or practice before school starts on August 14th, missing these dates and matches will make it very difficult to participate at the Varsity Level.
There will be a mandatory parents meeting at the CCHS courts at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 15th to explain our program, and to give Cherry Creek High School the opportunity to welcome your parents and explain the academic and behavioral expectations for our athletes. The Creek Court Club, our parent’s booster organization, will be soliciting parents help and also selling and taking orders for team clothing, one of the team’s fund-raising activities. We need your parents’ support and ideas. Don’t let them miss this meeting; it is very informative for all parents. On Saturday evening August 19th, we will have our annual pre-season social night (location TBA). This has always been a fun evening for players and parents.
Finally, please be advised that this year, like every year, serious and worthy challengers await us. Be assured that the coaches, players, and supporters of this program will work their hardest to maintain the proud tradition of this program. Each of us will put forth our best effort. Please check our team website for the clinics being run by our assistant coaches throughout the spring & summer, before the season begins.
Art Quinn, Head Tennis Coach Cherry Creek High